
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Petro Poroshenko Sworn In As Ukrainian President Saturday June 07,2014

 Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko has been sworn is as the country's new president.

The billionaire businessman took the oath of office Saturday June 07,2014  in the capital, Kyiv, in front of leaders and dignitaries from around the world, including U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

Petro Poroshenko won a majority of votes in an election on May 25 that featured 21 candidates

Petro Poroshenko(48),the billionaire confectionary magnate, will be Ukraine's 5th President since independence and its first since 1991 to win election with more than half the vote in a single round

Petro Poroshenko was also the first Ukrainian presidential candidate since 1991 to win both in the mainly Ukrainian-speaking west and in the Russian-speaking east, despite the separatists having prevented most voting in two eastern provinces where they have declared independent "people's republics".

Petro Poroshenko gave his presidential oath on Saturday at an event attended by delegations from 56 countries. The US, the key supporter of the opposition forces, which ousted Poroshenko’s predecessor Viktor Yanukovich in the February 2014 armed coup and made way for his presidency, was represented by Vice President Joe Biden

Petro Poroshenko served in the Cabinets of presidents Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovich, chairing Ukraine’s central bank and serving as its foreign minister and trade minister at different times. 

Following the inauguration the new Ukrainian president proceeded to deliver his inaugural address in front of members of the Ukrainian parliament. He faces several tough challenges, including a slide towards civil war, economic slowdown, debt crisis and a potential continuation of public rioting in Kiev.
The president’s immediate plan is to hold early parliamentary election in the country as well as in the regions currently engulfed by violence.


Ukrainians hope Petro Poroshenko's election brings an end to the most tumultuous period in Ukraine's 22 years of independence.

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