
Saturday, May 24, 2014

2014 South African General Election May 07,2014

The 2014 South African general election was held on May 07,2014, to elect a new National Assembly and new Provincial Legislatures in each province.

 It was the fifth election held in South Africa under conditions of Universal Adult Suffrage since the end of the Apartheid era in 1994, and also the first held since the death of Nelson Mandela

Results - 400 Member National Assembly

ANC - 249
DA    -   89
EFF   -   25
Others    37
Total     400
The National Assembly election was won by the African National Congress (ANC), but with a reduced majority of 62.1% winning 249 seats down from 65.9% and securing 264 seats in the 2009 election

The official Opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) increased its share of the vote from 16.7% to 22.2% and securing 89 seats(67 seats in 2009), while the newly formed Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) obtained 6.4% of the vote winning 25 seats

Others won 37 seats

8 of the 9 provincial legislatures were won by the ANC

In the Western Cape, the only province not won by the ANC, the DA increased its majority from 51.5% to 59.4%.

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