
Thursday, May 22, 2014

2014 European Parliament Election(UK)Thursday May 22,2014

The United Kingdom's(UK)component of the 2014 European Parliament Election is scheduled to be held on Thursday May 22,2014, coinciding with the 2014 Local Elections  in England and Northern Ireland.

In total, 73 Members of the European Parliament will be elected from the United Kingdom using proportional representation

England,Scotland and Wales use a closed-list Party List System of PR (with the D'Hondt Method)while Northern Ireland uses the Single Transferable Vote (STV).

Most of the results of the election will be announced on Sunday 25 May, after voting has closed throughout the 28 member states of the European Union(EU)

Following parties currently have MEPs representing UK constituencies

Political Party
Liberal Democrats
Scottish National
Plaid Cymru
Sinn Fein
British National
Democratic Unionist
British Democrat
We Demand a Referendum
An Independence from Europe

As has been the case since 1999, the election is conducted in a total of 12 electoral regions: using the regional party list proportional representation system, in each of the Govt's 9 English Regions,Scotland and Wales but the Single Transferable Vote System in Northern Ireland

As a result of the Treaty of Lisbon coming into force, the UK became entitled to a 73rd MEP as from November 2011

39 parties are standing a total of 747 candidates. The Conservative Party and UKIP are standing candidates in every region, as are the three Green parties (the Green Party of England & Wales, the Scottish Greens, the Green Party in Northern Ireland) between them. Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the BNP are standing a full slate of candidates in all the regions in Great Britain (i.e. excluding Northern Ireland)
Parties Contesting

Prime Minister and Conservative leader David Cameron has fielded candidates in every region of Britain.
2009 result: 27.7% of votes, 25 MEPs elected

UKIP leader Nigel Farage has fielded candidates in every region of Britain
2009 results: 16.5% of votes, 13 MEPs elected

Labour Leader Ed Miliband has fielded candidates in every region of Britain
2009 result: 15.7% of votes, 13 MEPs elected

Liberal Democrats Leader Nick Clegg has fielded candidates in every region of Britain
2009 result: 13.7% of votes, 11 MEPs elected

Green Party of England and Wales Leader Natalie Bennett has Fielded candidates in England and Wales. 2009 results: 8.6% of votes, two MEPs elected.

Scottish Green Party Leader Patrick Harvie has fielded candidates in Scotland only
2009 result: 7.31% of vote, no MEPs elected.

British National Party Leader Nick Griffin has fielded candidates in every region of Britain
2009 results: 6.2% of vote, two MEPs elected.

Scottish National Party Leader Nicola Sturgeon has fielded candidates in Scotland only
2009 result: 29.1% of votes in Scotland, 2 MEPs elected.

Plaid Cymru Leader Leanne Wood has fielded candidates in Wales only
2009 result: 18.5% of votes in Wales, one MEP elected.

Opinion Poll

British Prime Minster David Cameron and his wife Samantha leave the Polling Station in Westminster Central Hall after casting their vote in the European and Local Elections on May 22, 2014 on London, England.


Front National (led by Marine Le Pen): 25 per cent
UMP (centre-right): 20.3 per cent
Socialists (party of President Francois Hollande): 14.7 per cent
Syriza (radical left, anti-EU coalition): 26 to 28 per cent
New Democracy (conservatives, senior government party): 23 to 25 per cent
Golden Dawn (extreme Right party): 9 to 10 per cent
Danish People's Party (anti-Islam and anti-immigration stance): 23 per cent
Social Democrats: 20 per cent
Liberal party: 17 per cent
Democratic Party (centre-left, led by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi) 29.5 to 32.5 per cent
Five Star Movement (Eurosceptic, led by firebrand comic Beppe Grillo): 25 to 28 per cent
Christian Democratic Union (pro-EU, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel): 36 per cent
Social Democrats (centre-left coalition partner): 27.5 per cent
Alternative for Germany (new Eurosceptic party formed last year): 6.5 per cent
National Democratic Party (NPD) (accused of Neo-Nazi traits): 0.8 to 1 per cent (one MEP)
Social Democrats (pro-EU): 24.4 per cent
Green Party: 15.3 per cent
Feminist Initiative (expected to gain first ever seat): 5.3 per cent

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