
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Women who underwent pre-emptive double mastectomiesoli pose for calendar

These women all have one thing in common - a higher than 80 % risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer due to the faulty gene they carry.

They all made the difficult decision to have pre-emptive double mastectomies - and now the self-styled ‘BRCA Babes’ have posed for a calendar to show the world how proud they are of their reconstructed bodies, and raise funds for the National Hereditary Breast Cancer Helpline, founded in 1996 by Wendy Watson, the first person to have ever had a preventative mastectomy

BRCA Babes 2014 calendar

 Helen Smith(49)learned she was BRCA positive seven years ago in 2007

 Becky Measures(32)became the youngest woman in the UK to have a pre-emptive double mastectomy at 24. 
Rachel White(41)discovered she had BRCA 1 gene in 2009
Carly Perkins(29)learned she carried a faulty gene last year, nine months after giving birth to daughter Tilly, now two.
Rachel Staff(40)found she had the BRCA1 gene nearly three years ago

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