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Sunday, February 16, 2014

National unity cabinet formed in Lebanon Saturday Feb 15,2014

Lebanon’s prime minister-designate Tammam Salam on Saturday Feb 15,2014 formed a national unity cabinet, including all rival groups, ending a 10-month vacuum

Suheil Bouji, the secretary general of the Governmental Palace, announced the formation of a 24-member cabinet that divides ministers between the pro-Syrian Hezbollah coalition March 8 and the Western-backed 14 gathering, as well as centrists.

Tammam Salam was nominated in April 2013, but deep divisions persisted between the Shiite Hezbollah movement and the Sunni-led, Western-backed bloc of ex-premier Saad Hariri over the conflict in neighbouring Syria

Tammam Salam, a British-educated Sunni, was tasked with forming a new cabinet last April 2013, a month after his predecessor, Najib Mikati resigned amid governmental deadlock

The main obstacles to forming a cabinet were the disagreements over key portfolios such as the interior and foreign ministries between the rival groups.

In a televised address,Tammam Salam called on all parties to work together to save Lebanon.
“I extend my hand to all the leaders, and I am relying on their wisdom to reach these goals,” he said. “I call on all of them together to make concessions in the interest of our national project.”

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