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Narendra Modi Adresses BJP Youth Conference in Trichy,Tamil Nadu Thursday Sep 26,2013

At the start of his speech Narendra Modi talked abut the close bond between Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. He lauded the state of Tamil Nadu for their progress in industry and added that the Tamil people are hardworking, sincere and above all loyal. He pointed that the Tamil language is one of the oldest languages and that he is very fond of knowing about Sangam literature. “Due to the hardwork and dedication of the people, Tamil Nadu is one of the most advanced states of the nation

Narendra Modi said that Mahatma Gandhi was from Gujarat while his conscience keeper C Rajagopalachari was from Tamil Nadu. He also mentioned the large number of Tamil people on Maninagar, who supported him in the elections

Addressing the BJP Youth Conference in Trichy, Shri Narendra Modi attacked the economic and foreign policy of the UPA, saying that it has failed to enhance India’s prestige at the world level and failed in giving opportunities to the youth. Man Se, Vachan Se, Karm Se, Congress divisive hai (From their minds, in their speech and in their work the Congress is divisive)Narendra Modi affirmed, adding that being divisive was in the DNA of the Congress. He shared that from administration, water sharing between states, language, communities, caste groups, even villages and cities, the Congress has always divided. Mincing no words Shri Modi affirmed, “We have to save this nation and if we want to take it ahead we need Mukti from this divisive Congress.” He called for the fulfilling of Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of dismantling the Congress and added that the same must happen to all those associated with it

Referring to the poor policies of the Congress, Narendra Modi noted that 20,000 MW power capacity has not been used only because of lack of coal and gas. “The only want to do things where there is corruption. Things of public welfare do not interest them''

Narendra Modi strongly rebuked the Centre over the recent judgment by the Honourable Supreme Court on the Aadhaar Scheme. Shri Modi said that the nation wants to know how much money was spent on Aadhaar, who gained from it and sought answers from the Government on the issues raised by the Supreme Court. He himself shared that for the past three years he raised issues about Aadhaar to the Prime Minster but these issues were not addressed. Elaborating, he said, “I said that Gujarat is a border state and if you keep giving out Aadhaar cards like this then illegal immigrants will take advantage. I said a National Security Council meet must be called and Chief Ministers must be consulted but nothing of that sort happened.”

Attacking the Central Government for weakening the economy, NarendraModi opined that due to the policies of the Centre, industries are shutting down and small businessmen are facing troubles at the hands of the Government. He pointed that the youth must be at the centre of any roadmap for development and that their talent must be able to serve the nation. He even called for the strengthening of crores of small-scale industries that would give jobs to the youth

Highlights of Narendra Modi's Speech - Thursday Sep 26,2013

6:20 pm: Before I begin, I want to talk about something. Today terrorist attacked our security forces, Jawans were killed, says Modi.

6:21 pm: Some days back, there was an attack in Nairobi. So many Indians lost their lives. I request two minutes silence for those who lost their lives

6:22 pm: Tamil is such a beautiful language, it is as sweet as honey, says Modi in Tamil. 

6:25 pm: With the help of a translator, Narendra Modi hails Tamils are hard working, sincere, royal and loyal.

6:26 pm: For Tamil people, workplace is worship place. Tamil is not only one of oldest languages but also one of the few living ancient languages, adds Modi.

6:28 pm: Due to hard work and dedication of the people, Tamil Nadu is one of the most advanced states in the nation, says Modi. 

6:29 pm: Products of Tamil Nadu competent in national and international market. Top software companies and many masterminds are from Tamil Nadu, says Modi.

6:30 pm: Modi praises Sangam literature and says he's inclined towards it. 

6:31 pm: Tamil Nadu and Gujarat share many common features. Both states played leading role in freedom struggle, says Modi. As Tamils came to Gujarat to make it Manchester of India, Saurashtrians contributed in Tamil Nadu.

6:32 pm: While you have a mini-Gujarat Sahukar Pet, we have a mini-Tamil Nadu in Maninagar, my seat, says Modi.

6:33 pm: People of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat have mingled with each other like sugar and milk without any problems with each other - Modi

6:34 pm: Modi notes that as coastal and border state, we have similar problems. Gujarat fishermen (with Pakistan) and Tamil Nadu fishermen (with Sri Lanka) face similar problems. Delhi does nothing.

6:35 pm: Be it Gujarat or Tamil Nadu, Kerala or Karnataka, we have to protect our fishermen and for that the first thing we have to do is to remove this weak Government.

6:36 pm: Pakistan is taking so many fishermen, keeping them in jails and torturing them. Same goes for Sri Lanka. This is because neighbours take us for granted.

6:37 pm: Now Pakistan even keeps the boats of fishermen and uses it to trouble India.

6:38 pm: Gujarat is a cotton growing state and Tamil Nadu is a state that consumes maximum cotton from Gujarat - Modi in Trichy

6:40 pm: If Gandhi ji is from Gujarat, Raja ji is from Tamil Nadu. When Gandhi ji started Dandi March, a march from Trichy started for making salt, exhorts Modi.

6:41 pm: One feels sad and angry that there is such government in Delhi that more soldiers have been killed by terrorists' bullets than in war, says Modi.

6:42 pm: (India) A nation of 125 crore. I am shocked that people from Italy can come and kill fishermen off the Kerala coast. The Pakistani Army can behead Indian soldiers: Narendra Modi

6:43 pm: What is the reason that Pakistani troops kill our jawans on the border and the government in Delhi cites protocol to feed the Pakistani PM biryani?

6:44 pm: Every citizen asks are we so weak that our neighbours can do what they want and we keep our eyes shut and don't react, says Modi.

6:45 pm: I want to ask you and need and answer - our soldiers, innocent people have been killed. Terror strikes are troubling us. Is this the time for the PM to be in a hurry to talk to Pakistan? Crowd says no.

6:46 pm: Pradhan Mantri ji (Mr Prime Minister), this is not mine or BJP's voice, this is the voice of the youth of Trichy.

6:47 pm:I want to mention two facts. Brazil got to know about the US surveillance activities and refused to meet an American delegation. Is it not a matter of pride what their Government did for the nation, asks Modi.

6:49 pm: Edward Snowden was accused of leaking intelligence secrets. The American government wanted to arrest him. Russia gave shelter to Snowden but US President Barack Obama showed his strength and cancelled his trip to Russia.

6:51 pm: Mr Prime Minister, you are in USA. The nation wants to know your priority - Is it nation's pride and respecting the blood of martyrs or is it to show keenness to talk to Pakistan under pressure from other countries, asks Modi.

6:53 pm: We have a Government due to which our women are unsafe, our Jawans are unsafe, our fishermen are not safe. Our first job is to remove this government that has created this atmosphere of insecurity.

6:54 pm: There is a Government in Delhi that has weakened our economy, rendered it useless, says Modi.

6:55 pm: There is a government that has weakened the Rupee. If this goes on, we will need a microscope to find the Rupee - Modi

6:56 pm: Experts are saying that if this situation persists for next five years, crores of youth will be unemployed, underlines Modi.

6:56 pm: Experts are saying that if this situation persists for next five years, crores of youth will be unemployed, underlines Modi.

7:00 pm: The big industrialists are losing the bank money, but have you ever seen their photographs in the newspapers? But the photograph of a small businessman, who can't return Rs 1-2 lakh, is published in the newspapers and he is driven to suicide.

7:01 pm: At the centre of our roadmap for development must be the youth, their talent must serve the nation: Narendra Modi

7:02 pm: Those lakhs and crores of small industries must be encouraged so that our youth get jobs and they do not have to bow in front of anyone, says Modi.

7:03 pm: My young friends, avow that you want a life of dignity where you get work: Narendra Modi

7:04 pm: Due to the government's policies, plants producing 20,000 MW of power are not functioning because there is no coal and gas, says Modi.

7:05 pm: Can we not change all this? They only want to do things where there is corruption. Things of public welfare do not interest them (government), says Modi.

7:06 pm: Two days ago, a Supreme Court judgement came on Aadhar, which rebuked the government. The government had been touting the scheme as its big achievement. Nation wants to know from the PM how much money was spent on Aadhar card? Who gained from it? What about the questions the SC raised?

7:07 pm: I made a point that Gujarat is a border state. If you keep dolling out Aadhar cards like this, illegal immigrants will get an upper hand.

7:08 pm: What the Supreme Court said today, I raised the similar point three years ago. I told him to convene a National Security Card meeting, consult Chief Ministers, but he did nothing.

7:09 pm: When the SC raised these points, the PM must tell nation that did all states and departments approve Aadhar? But you just spent huge money. You need to answer nation for that.

7:10 pm: Man Se, Vachan Se, Karm Se Congress divisive hai. Congress also divided administration, underlines Modi. There is separate status for Kashmir because of Congress.

7:12 pm: For water, the divisive Congress made one state fight against the other. In the name of language, Congress made the nation fight and divided it.

7:14 pm: Every citizen fought together in 1857, but under Congress, Hindu and Muslims were divided: Narendra Modi

7:15 pm:Congress divided people on the basis of caste and created rifts. Their divisive thoughts separated villages from cities and made the former fight with the latter.

7:16 pm: We have to save the nation and if we want to take it ahead, we need Mukti from this divisive Congress.

7:17 pm: More than you and me, if someone knows the Congress better, it is Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi's dream was that the Congress be disbanded and we have to make this dream a reality, asserts Modi.

7:18 pm: Free nation from Congress and those associated with it, says Narendra Modi.

7:19 pm: I have visited Tamil Nadu earlier too, but have never seen such huge gathering in my whole political career.

7:21 pm: Those who know Tamil Nadu politics as well as India politics, can make out that change is coming.

7:22 pm: We will not break the faith you have bestowed upon us. Whatever strength we have, we will use for your welfare, Modi tells crowd.

7:23 pm: Modi thanks Tamil Nadu crowd for giving him new strength to him as well as his party.

7:25 pm: Narendra Modi concludes his speech. 

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