
Friday, February 28, 2014

Gandhi Peace Prize

The International Gandhi Peace Prize, named after Mahatma Gandhi  is awarded annually by the Govt of India which was launched in in 1995 on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

The Award given to individuals and institutions for their contributions towards social, economic and political transformation through non-violence and other Gandhian methods

The Award carries Rs. 10 million in cash, convertible in any currency in the world, a plaque and a citation.

Winners Details 

Year       Recipient                                                    Description

1995      Julius Nyerere(1922-99)                            First President of Tanzania

1996      A T Ariyaratne(Sri Lanka)                          Founder of Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement

1997      Gerard Fischer(1921-2006)                       German diplomat, recognised for his work against 
                                                                                 leprosy and polio

1998      Ramakrishna Mission                                 Founded by Swami Vivekananda for promoting social
                                                                                welfare, tolerance and non-violence among
                                                                                disadvantaged groups

1999     Baba Amte(1914-2008)                           Indian Social worker, known particularly for his work
                                                                             for the rehabilitation and empowerment of poor people
                                                                             suffering from leprosy

2000    Nelson Mandela(1918-2013)                    Anti-aparatheid Revolutionary & Former President of
                                                                             South Africa

           Grameen Bank                                          Founded by MuhammadYunus in Bangladesh

2001   John Hume                                                Northern Ireland Politician

2002   Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan                            Educational trust that emphasises Indian culture

2003   Vaclav Havel(19936-2011)                       Last President of Czechoslovakia and 1st President of
                                                                            Czech Republic

2004   Coretta Scott King (1927-2006)              Activist and civil rights leader -Wife of Martin Luther King

2005   Desmond Tutu                                          South African cleric and activist

2013   Chandi Prasad Bhatt                                Indian Environmentalist and Social Activist, known for the
                                                                          Chipko Movement

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