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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Abdulla Yaameen Wins 2013 Maldives Presidential Election Run-Off Saturday Nov 16,2013

Abdulla Yaameen, half-brother of former Maldivian President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom — who ruled the country for about three decades — won the run-off round of election narrowly, by polling about three per cent votes higher than his rival, Maldivian Democratic Party’s Mohamed Nasheed.

The voter turnout for the run-off was 91.41% with 218,621 people voting

Elections Commissioner Fuad Thowfeek announced that -
Abdulla Yaameen(Progressive Party of Maldives - PPM)received111,203 votes -51.39% of Votes and  
 Presidential candidate Abdulla Yaamin Gayoom casts his vote in Male on Saturday.
Mohamed Nasheed(Maldivian Democratic Party) received 105,181 votes  -48.61% of Votes

 Former President Mohamed Nasheed casts his ballot in the presidential runoffin vote in Male on Saturday.

Mohamed Nasheed conceded defeat after a bitterly fought battle and said he was pleased that the country finally had a democratically elected leader.
"Today is a happy day for the Maldives -- we now have an elected government," Nasheed said.

A run off was necessitated because no candidate won the 50 % plus one vote required for an outright win

First Round Voting -Results
Mohamed Nasheed -polled 46.93% of votes
Abdulla Yaameen -polled  29.72% of votes and
Qasim Ibrahim - polled   23.34% of votes

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