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Thursday, February 21, 2013

2013 Italian General Election - Feb 24 -25,2013

The General Election to select the 630 members of the Chamber of Deputies (Lower House of Parliament) and the 315 elective members of the Senate(Upper House of Parliament) will take place on Feb 24-25,2013

Italy is divided into 26 districts for the Chamber of Deputies and 20 regions for the Senate. Each district is assigned a number of seats in proportion to its share of the population.To guarantee a working majority, the coalition or party that obtains a plurality  of the vote, but fewer than 340 seats, is assigned additional seats to reach that number, which roughly is about 54 % of all seats.

The said election will determine the composition of the 17th Parliament of the Italian Republic

Silvio Berlusconi resigned as the PM of Italiy in Nov 2011 and was replaced by Mario Monti.In December of 2012, Berlusconi announced his intention to run for Prime Minister for a fourth time and subsequently Solvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom Party withdrew endorsement of mario Monti's Cabinet and Mario Monti announced he would resign after sending the annual budget to parliament

Election has to be held within 70 days of the dissolution of parliament by President as per the Italian Constituion

Outcome of Italy election deeply uncertain

Italy's election campaign drew to a close on Friday  Feb 22,2013 and analysts are divided over whether centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani, who was 5 points ahead of centre-right leader Silvio Berlusconi two weeks ago, will be able to form a stable majority capable of pursuing the economic reforms

Coalitions led by outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti and popular comedian Beppe Grillo's Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle or M5S) - an anti-establishment citizens' movement,are also in the fray

The election is taking place on Feb 24-25,2013 amid a deep recession and austerity measures that have caused public resentment. 

Main Parties and Leaders in the 2013 Italian General Election

  • A centre-left coalition led by the Democratic Party (Partito Democratico or PD), in alliance with the more left-wing Left, Ecology, Freedom party (Sinistra Ecologia Liberta - SEL). The PD is led by former Communist and ex-minister Pier Luigi Bersani.

  • A centre-right alliance between Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom (Il Popolo Della Liberta or PdL) and the more right-wing Northern League (Lega Nord). The scandal-ridden and flamboyant Mr Berlusconi has been prime minister three times previously. The Northern League is led by Roberto Maroni. Silvio Berlusconi has suggested he would not be PM again but that PdL Secretary Angelino Alfano would lead the government should the alliance win the elections. 

  • A centrist coalition led by Mario Monti. This includes Monti's own list, Civic Choice with Monti for Italy, the Christian Democrats and a smaller centre-right party, Future and Freedom for Italy. Mr Monti is a senator-for-life in the upper house and so is not standing for election personally. He is however able to take a full part in the campaign and could return to the post of prime minister if the centrist coalition that he leads proves successful.

  • The Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle or M5S) is an anti-establishment citizens' movement which has done very well in recent regional polls, and is the brainchild of outspoken satirist and blogger Beppe Grillo. It is a wild card in the electoral pack. Beppe Grillo leads the movement but is not running for election himself


Italy Votes - Sunday Feb 24,2013

About 47 million eligible voters have until 15:00 (14:00 GMT) to cast their ballot for both the upper and lower houses of parliament

Turnout on Sunday was 55%, a drop of 7% compared with the 2008 elections

The first results are expected within hours of polls closing.

Recent polls have suggested the centre-left PD could easily win the lower house of parliament, but may fail to gain a majority in the Senate.Many predict Mr Bersani, a former Communist, will seek to form a coalition with Monti if he fails to win an outright majority.


Silvio Berlusconi is trying to make a political comeback in this election who is Currently embroiled in two trials, accused of tax fraud and sex with an underage prostitute 


Italy's Parliamentary Election Result

The election was called two months early after Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom party withdrew support for Mario Monti's government.Italy's parliamentary elections have ended in stalemate and the possibility of a hung parliament with all domestic votes counted.
The Parliamentary Election Result was widely feared and predicted - that no party or coalition would be able to govern the country. Italy faces a period of political deadlock as the country is in deep recession. Unemployment is rising and industrial production is at its lowest level since the 1990s.

The details are-

Chamber of Deputies (lower house):
  • Pier Luigi Bersani's centre-left Democratic Party-led bloc: 29.54% of the vote (will have 340 seats as the winning bloc)
  • Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right People of Freedom Party-led bloc: 29.18% (124 seats)
  • Beppe Grillo's anti-austerity Five Star Movement: 25.55% (108 seats)
  • Mario Monti's Civic Choice movement: 10.56% (45 seats)
The Senate (upper house):
  • Neither of the two biggest parties and their allies thought to be close to the 158 seats needed to have a working majority
  • Latest figures show the Democratic Party bloc winning about 113 seats (31.63% of the vote)
  • The People of Freedom Party bloc to win 116 seats (30.72% of the vote)
  • Five Star Movement to win 54 seats (23.79%)
  • Civic Choice 18 seats (9.13%)

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