
Friday, January 25, 2013

Second Anniversary of Egyptian Uprising -(Jan 25,2011 - Jan 25,2013)

Police have clashed with protesters gathering in Tahrir Square in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, ahead of the second anniversary of the uprising that swept Hosni Mubarak from power.

On Jan 24,2013 Thursday evening, police clashed with protesters who tried to remove barriers blocking a road to Tahrir Square.The clashes continued overnight, as police fired tear gas at demonstrators camping on the square.

Egypt Uprising Timeline

  • Egypt's revolution began on January 25,2011 the "Day of Revolt", when tens of thousands of marchers occupied Cairo's Tahrir Square to protest against President Hosni Mubarak and his government. Simultaneous protests were held in Ismailiya, Alexandria and Suez. In the following days the demonstrations became more violent. Police fired rubber bullets and water cannons to repel protesters. 

  • President Mubarak declares a curfew in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez and the army is deployed.The curfew is immediately and widely flouted, and there are further clashes between protesters and police amid growing reports of looting and lawlessness.After Friday prayers, tens of thousands of people join protests in Cairo and other cities to press the demand that Mr Mubarak step down.The headquarters of the governing NDP party is set ablaze, while protesters also besiege the state broadcaster and the foreign ministry.

  • In a televised address, Mubarak says he understands the protesters' grievances but defends the actions of the security forces.

  • Mubarak sacks his Cabinet.Mubarak names Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman as his first-ever Vice-President and and Aviation Minister Ahmed Shafiq is appointed prime minister. Clashes continue, with at least 74 people reported dead in the last two days.

  • The army gives heart to the tens of thousands of protesters by saying it recognises the "legitimate rights of the people" and will not use force against them.
  • Vice-President Omar Suleiman says Mubarak asked him to open dialogue with all political parties on constitutional reform.

  • Huge Rallies takes place in Cairo and other cities after protest leaders call for a "march of a million". 

  • In a TV address Mubarak announces he will step down after Sep 2011 presidential elections. He pledges constitutional reform but says he should stay in office to ensure an orderly transfer of power to his successor.

  • Protest leaders call on the president to step down by Friday Feb 4,2011 at the latest.

  • Clashes between pro- and anti-Mubarak groups as supporters of the president make an organised attempt to enter Tahrir Square.

  • Huge crowds occupy Tahrir Square in what protest leaders hopefully call "day of departure" for President Mubarak.

  • Shortly after nightfall on the 18th day of protests Feb 11,2011, Vice-President Omar Suleiman announce that Hosni Mubarak will step downwith immediate effect.

  • The tens of thousands gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square greet the news with joy.

Thousands of Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square to mark the one year anniversary of the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012

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