
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Same-sex marriage in USA

Same-sex marriage in the United States is recognized in several jurisdictions and as of January 2013, 9 states,namely -



6)New Hampshire
7)New York
8)Vermont and
as well as the District of Columbia and 2 Native American Tribes have legalized same-sex marriage

The movement to obtain marriage rights and benefits for same-sex couples in the United States began in the 1970s, but became more prominent in  US Politics in 1993 when the Hawaii SC declared the state's prohibition to be unconstitutional in Baehr Vs Lewin case

On May 9, 2012, Barack Obama became the first sitting US President to publicly declare support for the legalization of same-sex marriage

On November 6, 2012, Maine,Maryland and Washington became the first states to legalize same-sex marriage through popular vote

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