PLAYBOY Chief Hugh Hefner has married model Crystal Harris — 60 years his
junior on Dec 31,2012 in the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills, California
Crystal Harris is Hugh Hefner's third wife. Hugh Hefner married Mildred Williams in 1949 before
divorcing 10 years later.In 1989 he married Playmate Kimberly Conrad and they separated in 1998
Hugh Hefner(86) and Crystal Harris(26) first announced their engagement in December 2010
but she called off the wedding days before the ceremony and sold her £55,000
engagement ring
The couple announced their new engagement last month.Crystal Harris, who appeared on the July 2011 cover of the adult magazine with a
"runaway bride" sticker covering her bottom half
tweeted on Monday Dec 31,2012 "Today is the day I become Mrs Hugh Hefner," Harris, who has a
psychology degree, wrote on Twitter after writing "Feeling very happy,
lucky, and blessed."
Crystal Harris was Playboy Playmate of the Month in December 2009

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