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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Swaziland bans 'rape-provoking' miniskirts - Monday Dec 24,2012

Police in the small African kingdom of Swaziland have banned women from wearing miniskirts and midriff-revealing tops saying they provoke rape.The ban also applies to low-rise jeans.
Offenders face a six-month jail term under the ban

The ban,however, does not apply to traditional costumes worn by young women during ceremonies like the annual Reed Dance, where the ruling King Mswati III chooses a wife(king already has 13 wives)During the ceremony, beaded traditional skirts worn by young bare-breasted virgins only cover the front, leaving the back exposed. Underwear is not allowed.

The law was enforced after a march by women and young girls last month calling for protection against a spate of rapes in the impoverished kingdom, which is almost entirely surrounded by South Africa

About Swaziland 

Swaziland, officially the Kingdom of Swaziland and sometimes called Ngwane or Swatini, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa .Swaziland is divided into four districts and each district further divided into tinkhundla.There are 55 tinkhundla in Swaziland.

The Head of the State is the king or Ngwenyama (lit. Lion), currently King Mswati III, who ascended to the throne in 1986 after the death of his father King Sobhuza II  in 1982 and a period of regency. The King holds the Executive,Legislative and Judicial Powers.

Swaziland's Parliament(Libandla)  is Bi-cameral -
Lower House - 'House of Assembly' consists of 82 Members (55 members are elected through popular vote; the Attorney General as an ex-officio member; 10 are appointed by the king and four women elected from each one of the administrative regions)
Upper-House - The Senate consists of  30 Members(10 members are appointed by the House of Assembly, and 20 are appointed by the king, whom at least the half must be women)
Capital                     Lobamba
Currency                  Lilangeni
Population                1.5 Million(2011 Estimate)
Religion                    83% Christianity and the the balance other religions
Official Language      English and Swati(spoken in Swaziland and South Africa)

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