
Friday, April 6, 2012

Mamata makes Carl Marx history, bans him from school books

West Bengal CM chief minister amata Banerjee criticized Marx and his Bengal followers in public on more than one occasion, her supporters even heckled Pinaki Chakraborty, a Burdwan University economics professor on August 8 after he spoke about Tagore and Marx being relevant years after their death while delivering a speech at a program commemorating the poet's 70th death anniversary.
The school education syllabus committee of the Trinamool government has decided to all but abolish the German philosopher from the higher secondary history syllabus.
"History syllabus in Bengal gave importanceto a particular ideology. History is not only about what happened in the past but it is also about how we look at it. We have tried to give our history syllabus a balanced approach. If there was any excess of anything, including Marx, it has to be done away with," said Avik Majumdar, the head of the school education syllabus committee.
The current school education syllabus meant for state board schools has an entire chapter dedicated in Karl Marx. In class VIII, class XI and class XII in the chapter of industrial revolution Karl Marx and his contribution is taught. In the HS syllabus, Marx and his ideas are discussed in greater detail.

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