
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Central African Republic(CAR) and CAR News

Country Profile
Central African Republic(CAR) is a landlocked country in Central Africa.CAR is divided into 14 administrative prefectures along with 2 economic prefectures and 1 autonomous commune.CAR is divided into over 80 ethnic groups, each having its own language.
About half the adult population of the country is illiterate.UN Estimates that about 11% of population aged 15-49 is HIV+
Capital                            Bangui
Currency                         Central African CFA Franc
Population                      4.5 Million(2010 Estimate)
Religion                          80%Christianity;10%Islam and 10% Others
Official Language            French;Sango

CAR got independence from France on Aug 13,1960 and David Dacko became the 1st President with the backing of the French Govt.

David Dacko was overthrown in a coup d'etat by Jean Bedel Bokassa on Dec 31,1965 who suspended the constitution and dissolved the National Assembly and declared himself President For Life

In 1979 France carried out a coup against Bokassa and "restored" Dacko to power.
In Sep 1981,David Dacko was overthrown in a coup by General Andre Kolingba who suspended the constitution and ruled with a military junta until 1985

Andre Kolingba to agree to hold free elections in Abel GoumbaOctober 1992, with help from the UN Office of Electoral Affairs.But elections were finally held in 1993 Ange-Félix Patassé won 53% of Votes;Abel Goumba won 45.6 % of Votes.AnKolingba came in fourth behind Abel Goumba and David Dacko.
Ange-Félix Patassé's Party Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People gained a simple but not an absolute majority of seats in parliament, which meant Patassé needed coalition partners.
A new constitution was approved on Dec 28, 1994 and promulgated on Jan 14, 1995
In 1998 parliamentary elections resulted in Kolingba' RDC winning 20 out of 109 seats, which constituted a comeback, but in 1999, notwithstanding widespread public anger in urban centers with his corrupt rule, Patassé won free elections to become President for a 2nd term.

In March 2003, General Francois Bozizé launched a surprise attack against Patassé, who was out of the country. Libyan troops and some 1,000 soldiers of Bemba's Congolese rebel organization failed to stop the rebels, who took control of the country and thus succeeded in overthrowing Patassé. François Bozizé suspended the constitution and named a new cabinet which included most opposition parties. Abel Goumba, "Mr. Clean", was named vice-president, which gave Bozizé's new government a positive image.
 Bozizé established a broad-based National Transition Council to draft a new constitution and announced that he would step down and run for office once the new constitution was approved. A national dialogue was held from 15 September to 27 October 2003, and Bozizé won a fair election that excluded Patassé, to be elected president on a second ballot, in May 2005.
CAR is a Presidential Republic where the President is both Head of State and Head of Govt with a separative executive Prime Minister.
Executive Power is exercised by the Govt.
Legislative Power is vested in both Govt and Parliament(which has 105 Members elected for a 5-year term)

 President of CAR

François Bozizé Yangouvonda is the current President of CAR in office from 2003.Bozize served as Army Chief of Staff under President Ange-Felix Patasse, but he began a rebellion against Patassé in 2001.
Bozizé's forces captured Bangui  in March 2003, while President Ange-Felix Patasse was outside the country, and Bozizé took power, ushering in a transitional period of government.

François Bozizé won the 2005 Presidential Election  in a second round of voting, and he was re-elected in the 2011 Presidential Election, winning the vote in the first round.

Prime Minister of CAR
Faustin-Archange Touadéra is the current Prime Minister in office from 2008 when he was appointed Prime Minister by President François Bozizé on Jan 22, 2008, following the resignation of Elie Dote

Central African Republic's(CAR) Rebellion

The Rebellions are called Seleka which in the local Sango language means alliance.

Seleka is a reference to fighters from 3 groups -
1)Union of Democratic Forces for Unity (UFDR)
2)Union of Republican Forces (UFR) and
3)Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP)
 coming together to launch the rebellion.

In 2007, these groups signed an accord with the government and agreed to be integrated into the army.
But in late 2012, some of those rebels who joined the army deserted and took up arms once more.
The rebels, who are mostly northerners, accuse President Francoise Bozize of not honouring the ceasefire deal, which promised the release of political prisoners and payment for fighters who disarmed.
Seleka's main leader is Michel Djotodia of the UFDR.

The unrest is partly fuelled by ethnic rivalries and poor communities who feel ignored by those in power.
The CAR Govt claims that Seleka's ranks have been swelled by mercenaries from Sudan, Nigeria and Chad

CAR ceasefire signed - Friday Jan 11,2013


Rebels fighting the government in the Central African Republic have signed a formal ceasefire following talks in Gabon.The Seleka rebel alliance took control of northern and eastern CAR in a four-week offensive starting on Dec 10,2012.
The rebels and president agreed to the formation of a unity government, which will reportedly be formed on Saturday
Friday's ceasefire agreement was signed in Gabon's capital Libreville after three days of talks mediated by neighbouring countries.

The deal envisages the dissolution of the country's National Assembly, and the appointment of a prime minister from the opposition bloc ahead of legislative elections that would be held in 12 months.The ceasefire agreement, witnessed by the regional grouping Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - was to come into force within 72 hours of being signed.
Under the political agreement:
  • President Bozize will remain in power until end of his mandate in 2016
  • A new prime minister will be appointed from the opposition with full powers to run the government for 12 months (renewable)
  • An inclusive government of national unity will be established and run for 12 months (renewable); this govt cannot be removed from office by the president
  • The government of national unity will be headed by the prime minister, who will also be head of government
The government of national unity will be tasked with:
  • Restoring peace and security
  • Organising legislative elections after the dissolution of the national assembly
  • Re-organising the security forces
  • Re-organising the ministry for territorial administration and expanding government authority
  • Reforming the judicial system
  • Implementing rebel demobilisation and security reform programmes with help from the international community
  • Undertaking reforms of the economic and social sectors


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