
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Scotland Calls for 'Vote on Independence' from England

Britain's government confirmed Tuesday Jan 10,2012 it would happily offer Scotland the powers it needs to sever centuries-old ties to England.PM David Cameron's government said it would sweep away legal hurdles to allow the Scots a vote on whether their country should become independent for the first time since the 18th Century Act of Union, which united Scotland with England to create Great Britain.

Alex Salmond, head of Scotland's semi-autonomous government, has long championed independence to allow the country greater control over lucrative oil and natural gas reserves in the North Sea.For a man for whom Scottish separation has been the focal point of his entire political career, Alex Salmond is extremely reluctant to say when his promised referendum will be held. There is little doubt the First Minister knows the date on which he wants to stage the independence vote,the only titbit he is willing to provide is that it will be staged in the second-half of his five-year term, effectively meaning the referendum can be staged anytime between the autumn of 2013 and the spring of 2016.

Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond says it wants to hold a referendum on independence from Britain in late 2014.

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