
Friday, January 20, 2012

BBC asked to axe 'freak' sex show

The hourlong Sex Season programme, 'Cherry Healey: Like A Virgin', which includes the F-word and discussions about oral sex and sex aids, is due to be aired on BBC3 has been asked to axe the programme that the corporation accepts is not educational.
Mediawatch says -
the programme flouts the Ofcom code dealing with "generally accepted standards" and plans to lodge a complaint with the BBC and Ofcom.
Vivienne Pattison of TV watchdog Mediawatch said: "The show's terrible, almost a freak show. It's also irresponsible, inappropriate, disturbing and even exploitative towards some of those featured in it.
"For a programme clearly aimed at a teenage audience it is extremely irresponsible not to include any discussion of safe sex."

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