
Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012 Taiwan Presidential Election

 Taiwan Country Profile

Taiwan also known, especially in the past, as Formosa( from Portugese Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Island"), is the largest island of the same named island group of East Asia  in the western Pacific Ocean and located off the southeastern coast of '' mainland China''.
Its capital is Taipei.
Population 23 Million estimated in 2011.
About 70% of the people in Taiwan belong to the Hoklo Ethnic Group and speak both Taiwanese  (a  as their mother tongue and Mandarin.
Taiwan is governed by the Republic of China, but is commonly called Taiwan. The Republic of China should not be confused with the People's Republic of China which governs the mainland. Both the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China consider themselves the only legitimate rulers of all of China.

 Taiwan Presidential Elections

Taiwan to hold the presidential elections on Saturday Jan 14,2012 .

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou(Nationalist Party) faces an unexpectedly tough bid for re-election .

His main challenger, Tsai Ing-wen(Democratic Progressive Party)never having won an election for public office in Taiwan has run a smart and effective campaign, exploiting complaints by middle and working class Taiwanese.

Opinion surveys showed Ma clinging to a 3-4 point lead only. That’s far from the 17-point victory(with a 2.2 million vote margin on 58% of the valid votes) Ma achieved in 2008, when Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party was reeling from corruption scandals involving Taiwan’s outgoing president.

The election for the 13th-term President and Vice-President of the Republic of China(Taiwan) will be held together with legislative elections and it will be the 5th direct election for the President of ROC The previous elections were voted on only by ROC's National Assembly 

 Presidential Election Result

Taiwan's incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou has won a second term in office.With about 90% of votes counted, Taiwan's Central Election Commission said Mr Ma had won 51% against 46.3% for Ms Tsai.A third contender, James Soong, once a senior figure in Mr Ma's party, the Kuomintang (KMT), had 2.7%

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