
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Belgium Government and Prime Minister

Belgium's King Albert II

has appointed a new cabinet, ending a record-breaking year-and-a-half of political deadlock.(Belgium has been run by a caretaker administration since the last government resigned in April 2010)Belgium holds a modern day record for the country which has gone the longest without a government - 540 days. (Election held on June 13,2010 and Govt. formation Dec 06,2011)
The only other country have gone so long without a government is war-torn Iraq for 249 days.(Election held on March 7,2010 and govt Formation November 11,2010)
The new government, to be sworn in on Tuesday Dec 06,2011will be headed by French-speaking Socialist Elio Di Rupo.Elio Di Rupo will be Belgium's first French-speaking PM in 3 decades and the 1st Socialist to take the premiership in Belgium since 1974.

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