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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

2020 US Presidential Elections - Democratic Presidential Candidates Wh0 Have Dropped Out As On Tuesday March 03,2020

1)Michael Bennet, a former head of the Denver school district, who has served as a US senator from Colorado since 2009, carved out a profile as a wonky, policy-oriented senator

But his profile did not do him any favours, never catching on in the polls or in his fundraising.

Bennet announced the end of his campaign on February 11, the night of the New Hampshire election.

2)Cory Booker has served as a US senator from New Jersey - the first African American in the state's history to hold the office since 2013.

 He was the mayor of Newark from 2006 to 2013.

After struggling in the polls and fundraising, Booker dropped out of the race in January.
"It's with a full heart that I share this news - I'm suspending my campaign for president," he tweeted when announcing he was ending his bid.
"To my team, supporters, and everyone who gave me a shot - thank you. I am so proud of what we built, and I feel nothing but faith in what we can accomplish together," he added.

Cory Booker had qualified for five debates but failed to meet the requirements for the sixth event.

3) Montana Governor Steve Bullock(53) quit his bid for the Democratic nomination in early December.

"Today, I am suspending my campaign to become the Democratic Party's nominee for president," Bullock, said in a statement on December 2. "While there were many obstacles we could not have anticipated when entering this race, it has become clear that, in this moment, I won't be able to break through to the top tier of this still-crowded field of candidates."

Steve Bullock, will return to Montana to finish his second term as governor. He will not run for the US Senate, despite encouragement from party leaders to do so and help Democrats wrest control of Congress's upper house from Republicans.

Steve Bullock was re-elected in conservative Montana in 2016, making him the only Democratic presidential contender who had won a statewide election in a state Trump carried in 2016.

Steve Bullock failed to make the presidential debate stage in June but did so in July. Due to the stricter guidelines for the events in September, October and November, he did not qualify

4)Pete Buttigieg, the former South Bend, Indiana, mayor who was a rising star in the Democratic Party, dropped out of the race on March 1, just before Super Tuesday March 03,2020

"I will no longer seek to be the 2020 Democratic nominee for president, but I will do everything in my power to ensure that have a new Democratic president come January," he told supporters in South Bend.

"We need leadership to heal a divided nation, not drive us further apart," he said, apparently warning against giving Sanders the nomination.

Pete Buttigieg made history as the first openly gay Democratic candidate to run for president. He won the delegate count in the chaotic Iowa caucuses.

Pete Buttigieg qualified for all debates held before he dropped out

5)Julian Castro was elected mayor of San Antonio, Texas in 2009 and served until 2014.
He served as the 16th US secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under US President Barack Obama from 2014 until 2017.

He ended his presidential bid in January 2020, saying in a video: "I've determined that it simply isn't our time."

He said he was not done fighting. "I'll keep working towards a nation where everyone counts, a nation where everyone can get a good job, good health care and a decent place to live."

Julian Castro made the debate stage for the first four events, but failed to qualify for the fifth and sixth debates.

6)Bill de Blasio,The New York City Mayor emerged as a progressive standard-bearer in 2013, when he won the first of two four-year terms at the helm of the country's biggest city on a platform of addressing income inequality. But he has struggled amid middling approval ratings and some political setbacks to build a national profile.

After making the first two 2020 Democratic debates, but failing to qualify for the September event, the New York City mayor dropped out of the race in mid-September 2019

"I feel like I've contributed all that I can to this primary election," de Blasio told MSNBC when announcing he was withdrawing from the race. "It's clearly not my time."

7)John Delaney served as a US congressman for Maryland's sixth district from 2013 to 2019.
He was the first Democrat to formally declare a run for the party's 2020 presidential nomination, but at the end of January, he said he was dropping out of the race.

Delaney, who had already been campaigning for more than a year, announced the end of his presidential run in an interview on CNN.

He failed to qualify for the first debate but was able to do so for the second. He could not, however, meet the guidelines for the rest of the debates

8)Kirsten Gillibrand has served as a US senator from New York since 2009

After failing to qualify for the third Democratic presidential debate, Gillibrand, who campaigned on a platform centred on women's rights, dropped out of the race

In announcing her decision on August 28, Gillibrand told US media she had not decided which candidate to endorse

"I think that women have a unique ability to bring people together and heal this country," Gillibrand told the New York Times newspaper

"I think a woman nominee would be inspiring and exciting," she added. 

9)Mike Gravel, the 89-year-old former senator, made a little-known run for the Democratic nomination in 2008 and took another stab at it early in the Democratic race.

His goal was to make the debate stage, but when that did not happen, he officially ended his campaign in August and endorsed Sanders.

10)Kamala Harris has served as a US senator from California since 2017. In early December, she ended her bid for the nomination, saying her campaign does not have the financial resources to continue.

"I've taken stock and looked at this from every angle, and over the last few days have come to one of the hardest decisions of my life," Harris said in an email to supporters on Tuesday. "My campaign for president simply doesn't have the financial resources we need to continue."

Kamala Harris had qualified for all five debates that took place before she ended her bid.

11)John Hickenlooper served as the governor of Colorado from 2011 to 2019.

He announced he was ending his presidential bid on August 15 in a video posted on Twitter.

"While this campaign didn't have the outcome we were hoping for, every moment has been worthwhile and I'm thankful to everyone who supported this campaign and our entire team," Hickenlooper tweeted.

Later in August, Hickenlooper announced he would run in the US Senate race against Republican incumbent Cory Gardner in Colorado.

12)Jay Inslee has served as the governor of the state of Washington since 2013

On August 21, he announced he was dropping out of the race, saying, "it has become clear that I'm not going to be carrying the ball. I am not going to be the president."

Jay Inslee made fighting climate change the central issue of his campaign. In announcing his withdrawal, Jay Inslee said he hopes other 2020 candidates would use his detailed 10-year climate plan.

13)Amy Klobuchar served as a US senator from Minnesota since 2007, becoming her state's first elected female senator.

Before joining the Senate, she was the Hennepin County lawyer.

While she performed better than expected in some of the early voting contests during the primary season, she ended her campaign on March 2, just before Super Tuesday, according to campaign sources.

She plans to endorse Biden.

14)Wayne Messam has served as mayor of Miramar, Florida, since 2015

In mid-November, he tweeted that he was suspending his campaign

Wayne Messam had failed to make a single debate stage during the campaign.

15)Seth Moulton has served as the US representative for Massachusetts's sixth congressional district since 2015

On August 23, he announced he was dropping out of the 2020 race, telling US media if one of the more progressive candidates won the nomination it could make it harder for the Democrats to beat Trump

"I think it's evident that this is now a three-way race between Biden, Warren and Sanders, and really it's a debate about how far left the party should go," Moulton told the New York Times newspaper. 

16)Richard Ojeda was the first official presidential contender to drop out of the race.

In January, the former West Virginia state senator announced he was suspending his campaign, acknowledging he "does not have the ability to compete".

17)Beto O'Rourke served Texas's 16th congressional district in the House of Representatives from 2013 to 2019

Beto O'Rourke gained fame last year for his record fundraising and ability to draw crowds before his unexpectedly narrow loss in the US Senate race against Republican incumbent Ted Cruz

On November 1,Beto O'Rourke announced he was dropping out of the presidential race. The New York Times reported that his campaign was facing financial strain.

"My service to the country will not be as a candidate or a nominee," O'Rourke said in an online post.
"Though it is difficult to accept, it is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully," he wrote on Medium. "Acknowledging this now is in the best interests of those in the campaign; it is in the best interests of this party as we seek to unify around a nominee, and it is in the best interests of the country."

18)Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick in November 2019 said he was seeking the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential nomination despite an already crowded race to bring a divided country - and splintering political party - together.

But he announced the end of his bid on February 12, the day after a poor performance in New Hampshire.

"I believed and still believe we had a strong case to make for being able to deliver better outcomes," Patrick said in a statement. "But the vote in New Hampshire last night was not enough for us to create the practical wind at the campaign's back to go on to the next round of voting."

He did not make it to the debate stage during his run.

19)Tim Ryan has served as a US House representative from Ohio's 13th district since 2003.
On October 24, he announced he is ending his bid for the nomination and would instead seek re-election in his House race.

Tim Ryan's campaign was marked by slow fundraising and low poll numbers.

He qualified for the first two debates, but failed to do so for the September and October events.

20)Former US Representative Joe Sestak joined the race in June

In announcing his candidacy, Sestak, a retired three-star US Navy admiral, emphasised his 31-year military career, the need to restore US leadership in the world and tackle challenges from climate change to China's growing global influence

But after failing to qualify for any of the debates and impress donors, the 67-year-old dropped out of the race in early December.

21)Tom Steyer, a billionaire donor and liberal activist, announced on July 9, 2019, he was joining the Democratic presidential field after initially saying he would not run to focus his attention on impeaching Trump and getting fellow Democrats elected to Congress

He said he was ending his bid, however, on February 29 after poor performances in the first four voting contests

"Honestly, I can't see a path where I can win the presidency," he reportedly told supporters in South Carolina

He said he would continue putting his money behind the Democratic Party

22)Eric Swalwell, an Iowa native, has served as a House representative from California's 15th congressional district since 2013

He dropped out of the presidential race after the first primary debate in June

23)Marianne Williamson is an author, entrepreneur and activist.

The self-help guru dropped out of the race in January.

Williamson qualified for the first two debates, but failed to do so in September, October, November and December. 

24)Andrew Yang filed to run for president in 2017

But the entrepreneur ended his bid on February 11, the day of the New Hampshire primary, after a poor showing in New England state, as well as in Iowa

Andrew Yang failed to qualify for the January debate but did make the cut for the February event.


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