
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Scott Morrison Sworn In As The Prime Minister of Australia Wednesday May 29.2019

Scott Morrison was sworn in as Australia’s Prime Minister on Wednesday May29,2019, 11 days after retaining the position in the country’s general election.

Along with Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, Mr. Morrison was sworn in by Queen Elizabeth’s official representative in Australia,Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove, at a ceremony in the capital, Canberra.

Also sworn in was Morrison’s revamped Cabinet, which includes an equal-record seven women, and Australia’s first Aboriginal federal cabinet minister, Ken Wyatt.

Mr. Wyatt, the new indigenous affairs minister, received a standing ovation from the small gathering at the ceremony when he stepped up to be sworn in. He wore a traditional kangaroo skin, called a “booka”, given to him by indigenous people from his home state, Western Australia.

Mr. Morrison became Australia’s 30th Prime Minister through an internal party vote last August in which he replaced Malcolm Turnbull as chief of the ruling Liberal Party.

It was the fourth switch of Australia’s leader through an internal party vote in just eight years, sparking heated criticism from many voters. Yet Mr. Morrison was returned to his post in the May 18 election, and with an increased majority for the conservative Liberal-National party coalition.

With voting continuing in two close seats, the coalition was ahead in 77 seats, with the opposition Labor Party leading in 68, and with six seats having been secured by independent candidates and minor parties. A total of 76 seats is needed for majority government.

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