
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Triple talaq and Citizenship bills lapse as Rajya Sabha adjourns sine die Wed Feb 13,2019

The triple talaq and the Citizenship bills, two of the most talked about legislations of the Narendra Modi led NDA Government, will lapse as the the government failed to introduce them in Rajya Sabha. Rajya Sabha adjourned sine die at 12.50 p.m. on Wed February 13,2019

The Citizenship bill paves way to grant citizenship to six religious minorities — Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians and Buddhists — from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh who came to India before 2014. Calling it a direct violation of the Assam accord there has widespread protest against the Bill in the Northeastern States.

The government had tried to make one last effort to push through the bill by listing it on February 12 in spite of its assurance to Opposition that the legislation will not be moved.

In the case of the triple talaq bill, the numbers were clearly stacked against the government. The Opposition questioned the legislation for talaq or divorce as a criminal offence even when the marriage is a civil arrangement

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