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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Lopez Obrador sworn in as Mexico president Saturday Dec 01,2018

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has been sworn in as Mexico's next president, starting his six-year term with a promise to end the corruption, poverty and extreme violence that have plagued the country for more than a decade.

"I swear to defend the constitution of the United Mexican States and its laws, and faithfully and patriotically carry out the post of president of the republic that the people have entrusted to me," Lopez Obrador said with his right hand raised before the Congress on Saturday Dec 01,2018

The 65-year old Obrador, also known as AMLO, won the presidential race in July 2018 with over 50 percent of the vote, an historic landslide victory that has not been seen since the end of "one-party rule" almost 20 years ago. He now holds the majority in Congress.

Obrador enjoys at least 56 percent approval ratings, a stark contrast with his predecessor, Enrique Pena Nieto, who is leaving office with only 28 percent approval.

Pena Nieto's administration was plagued with corruption scandals and crime-related murder rates reached record-high levels.

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