
Saturday, October 6, 2018

2018 Telangana Assembly Election Dec 07,2018

Campaigning in Telangana has become bitter and personal after the Congress and TDP’s Telangana unit formed an alliance, which also comprises the CPI, to take on the ruling TRS.

The TRS considers TDP an Andhra Pradesh-based party, and thus an enemy of Telangana.

The Congress, in turn, has launched a blistering attack on TRS for ostensibly failing to deliver after forming the first government of Telangana. The party singled out KCR and his family and accused them of corruption and incompetence

The BJP, quietly carrying out door-to-door campaign in the districts, has decided against any alliance. “We are contesting all 119 seats. People of Telangana feel cheated by KCR and TRS…and we are confident of doing well in Telangana,’’ BJP’s state unit chief, K Laxman, said

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