
Thursday, December 1, 2016

US President Elect Donald Trump Names Wilbur Ross as Commerce Secretary Wednesday Nov 30,2016

US President-elect Donald Trump announced Wednesday Nov 30,2016 that he is nominating investor and former banker Wilbur Ross as his commerce secretary.

“Wilbur Ross is a champion of American manufacturing and knows how to help companies succeed. Most importantly, he is one of the greatest negotiators I have ever met, and that comes from me, the author of The Art of the Deal. Together, we will take on the special interests and stand up for American jobs,” said the president-elect in a statement released

Wilbur Ross said he was “delighted” to join the incoming administration, and said he looks forward to “working especially closely with Steve Mnuchin to implement the economic programs which we have developed jointly to implement the President-elect’s strategy for accelerating our economic growth.”

US President-elect Donald Trump also announced his pick for the deputy commerce secretary: Todd Ricketts, co-owner of the Chicago Cubs baseball team.

Todd Ricketts is an “immensely successful businessman with unparalleled knowledge of the finance industry,” Mr. Trump said in his statement. “The incredible job he and the Ricketts family did in the purchase and turnaround of the Chicago Cubs – one perfect step after another, leading to the World Championship, is what I want representing our people.”

The Cubs co-owner said he was “honored” for the chance to serve Donald Trump.

“Advancing practical policies that promote economic opportunity is critical to making America great again,” Ricketts said. “I’m eager to begin this important work and serving with Wilbur Ross to implement President-elect Trump’s economic agenda, which will improve the lives of all Americans.”

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