
Friday, December 30, 2016

Chilblains - All you need to know about the winter skin problem

Chilblains is the most common skin problem people face during winter season.

 Image result for Chilblains
It is basically the irritation and puffiness on the skin caused due to extreme cold temperature.

Image result for Chilblains

It also cause itchy and red blisters on the skin.


This skin problem usually occurs when you are exposed to the extreme cold weather and damages the tiny blood vessels in the skin, leading to inflammation, redness and itching of the skin. It affects the extremities off the body namely toes, ears, fingers and nose. Chilblains is very painful and mostly affects children, elderly and women.


  • Chilblains usually develop several hours after exposure to cold. Swelling, redness and blisters appears on the affected area. Here are some more symptoms of the skin problem:
  • Small, itchy red areas on your skin, often on your feet or hands
  • Possible blistering or skin ulcers
  • Swelling of your skin
  • Burning sensation on your skin
  • Changes in skin color from red to dark blue, accompanied by pain


One can reduce the risk of developing this problem by following these measures
  • Avoid exposure to cold weather
  • Wear warm clothes
  • Be active, as it improves the blood circulation
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing, socks or shoes, as it compromises blood supply to skin
  • Quit smoking
  • Moisturise your feet regularly as it stops drying and cracking
  • Eat food and fruits such as dry fruits that keeps you warm in winters
  • Avoid drugs that cause constriction of blood vessels as caffeine, decongestants

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