
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What is the difference between billiards and snooker?

Billiards is played with 3 balls - white, red and yellow.

The white and yellow balls are the cue balls of the two opponents respectively and the objective is to score some set points.

The player who scores the required points first, wins.

In Snooker, there are 15 red and six coloured balls and one cue ball.

The player has to pot a red first, then a colour, and again a red, and so on.

At the end of the frame the player with more points wins.

Each red carries 1 point, yellow 2, green 3, brown 4, blue 5, pink 6 and black 7.

The six coloured balls are put back on the table but not the reds.

When the reds are over, the other colours are potted in the ascending order of the value of their points.

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