
Sunday, November 27, 2016

5 things you must do to get your day off to a great start

  • The moment you wake up, pray to god to give you the strength to face the challenges that life keeps throwing at you and thank the almighty for all what he has given you. By doing this, you will acknowledge the presence of the supreme force that governs not just you but the entire universe.
  • After taking bath, light a small earthen or metal lamp in your prayer room. Light an incense stick and offer some flowers to the idol. If you have a fruit, offer the same to the God. This will cultivate the habit of sharing and thanking.
  • Sit down with your eyes closed for about 10-15 minutes and meditate. Meditation will help you relax mentally and physically.
  • Do Pranayam. Pranayama will help you regulate your breathing process and eliminate stress or anxiety if any.
  • Chant a shloka that you know. Else, simply chant OM.

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