
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

British PM Margaret Thatcher's first Cabinet in 1979

Margaret Thatcher's first Cabinet gathered on the same spot in 1979. The differences are clear as Mrs Thatcher had a smaller top team and every one of her senior ministers were men. Left to right (standing): - Norman Fowler, Transport Minister; John Biffen, Chief Secretary to the Treasury; David Howell, Energy Secretary; Norman St John Stevas, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; Humphrey Atkins, Northern Ireland Secretary; George Younger, Scottish Secretary; Michael Heseltine, Environment Secretary; Nicholas Edwards, Welsh Secretary; Patrick Jenkin, Social Services Secretary; John Nott, Trade Secretary; Mark Carlisle, Education Secretary; Angus Maude, Paymaster General; and Sir John Hunt, Secretary to the Cabinet. Left to right (seated) :- Sir Ian Gilmour, Lord Privy Seal; Lord Soames (1920 - 1987), Lord President of the Council; Sir Keith Joseph, Industry Secretary; Lord Carrington, Foreign Secretary and Overseas Development; William Whitelaw, Home Secretary; Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister; Lord Hailsham, Lord Chancellor; Sir Geoffrey Howe

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