
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jayalalithaa says ''No Personal Interest in Banning ''Vishwaroopam'' - Thursday Jan 31,2013

TN chief minister Jayalalithaa today defended the ban on Kamal Haasan's Vishwaroopam saying it was for law & order reasons.

  • "As chief minister, I have to maintain law and order," Jaya said at a press conference in Chennai.

  • "Twenty-four Muslim groups had petitioned my government against Vishwaroopam," the Tamil Nadu chief minister said. "We feared violence if the film was released," Jaya added

  • "I have no personal grudge against Kamal Haasan and no personal interest in banning movie," Jayalalithaa clarifies.
  • "If leaders of Muslim organisations and Kamal Haasan can work out an amicable agreement, government will facilitate that," Jayalalithaa said.

''Vishwaroopam'' Controversy So Far

''Vishwaroopam'' was originally scheduled to release in Tamil and Telugu on Jan 25,2013 but a day before the screenings, the Tamil Nadu government imposed a two-week ban on the film after some Muslim groups complained that some scenes in the film portrayed the community in a bad light.

Justice K Venkataraman of Madras HC had on January 24,2013 declined to grant interim injunction sought by Haasan on government ban which followed protests from various Muslim organisations over alleged depiction of their community in a negative light.However,Passing orders on Haasan's petition challenging the ban, Justice K Venkataraman of Madras HC had ordered that the film's release be deferred till January 28 by which time he would view it

Kamal Haasan's  ''Vishwaroopam'' was on Saturday Jan 27,2013 screened for Madras High Court and the special screening of the film was watched by Justice K Venkataraman along with stakeholders at Prasad studio in Chennai

On Jan 30,2013 a Madras HC bench chaired by Justice Dharma Rao re-imposed the ban on the film and nullified the revocation of an earlier ban on the film by Justice K. Venkataraman on Jan 29,2013. (Justice K. Venkataraman granted the interim stay of operation of the order made under Section 144 that had prevented release of the movie)

The final hearing on the case is due February 6,2013 

Kamal Haasan on Wednesday Jan 30,2013 agreed to cut a few scenes that were pointed out as controversial to him by his Muslim brothers. "My Muslim brothers have pointed out few scenes in my film which I'm ready to cut in order to settle the matter between us amicably 

Also Kamal Haasan said that he doesn't want to move the Supreme Court as of now because he hopes for a positive outcome for his movie ''Vishwaroopam'' 

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