
Monday, January 21, 2013

Austrians Voted Overwhelmingly in Favour of Retaining Compulsory Military Service - Sunday Jan 20,2013

Austrians have voted overwhelmingly in favour of retaining compulsory military service.
With all votes in the referendum counted, except postal ballots, 59.8% voted to keep the draft with 40.2% against, the interior ministry said

Austrian men must serve 6 months in the army or 9 months in civilian service when they reach 18.Some 22,000 Austrian men are currently conscripted into the military each year.

Mandatory Conscription in Europe

Nato members:
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Greece
  • Norway
  • Turkey
Non-Nato members:
  • Belarus
  • Cyprus
  • Finland
  • Moldova
  • Russia
  • Switzerland
  • Ukraine

Increasingly few European countries demand compulsory military service. France abandoned conscription in 1996, and Germany in 2011. 

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