
Friday, December 28, 2012

Delhi Gang Rape Victim Dies -Saturday Dec 29,2012

The 23-year old girl who was brutally gangraped and assaulted with an iron rod by six men aboard a moving bus in the national capital on December 16,2012 died at Singapore's Mount Elizabeth Hospital at 2.15 am on Saturday Dec 29,2012

The girl had been struggling against odds and fighting for her survival for the past 12 days. The odds were stacked against her as she had suffered significant brain injury, intestinal damage, cardiac arrests and multiple organ failure. Her small intestine had to be removed by the doctors at Safdarjung Hospital where she was under treatment for 10 days before she was airlifted to Singapore.
On Friday Dec 28,2012, the Mount Elizabeth Hospital reported that the girl had suffered significant brain injury and that it could take months, not weeks, for her to fully recover. The hospital, in a statement, had said that girl was in an extremely critical condition and on full ventilator support, adding that she unfit for surgery.

Delhi Gang Rape Case - Timeline

December 16, 2012: The young paramedic student is raped and beaten up by six men in a moving private bus and thrown out of it after 30 minutes of torture along with her male friend. They are admitted to Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital the same night.
December 17, 2012: Police indentify four men who raped and assaulted the girl. Victim's full extent of internal injuries determined by doctors.
December 18, 2012: Nation outraged by the brutal gangrape while the incident shakes up Parliament with Leader of the Opposition Sushma Swaraj demanding death penalty for rapists. Protests carried out by students of the Jawaharlal Nehru University on the Ring Road near the Munirka signal against the gangrape. A total of four accused arrested, including bus driver and main accused Ram Singh, search on for two others.
December 19, 2012: Doctors at Safdarjung Hospital treating the victim announce she is communicating through writing messages but still not out of danger. Permit of the bus, which the incident happened, cancelled by the Transport Department.
December 20, 2012: Students from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University and Jamia Milia demonstrated outside Delhi Chief Minister Shiela Dikshit's residence against the government's failure to curb the rising number of such crimes against women. The eyewitness and male friend of the victim gives statement.
December 21, 2012: Safdarjung doctors say the victim is stable, but still critical. She is taken off the ventilator. Her male friend identifies one of the accused, Mukesh, during the test identification prade at Tihar jail. Police conducts raids in Haryana and Bihar, nab one more accused.
December 22, 2012: Protests against the gangrape pick up with nation wide outrage on the incident. Thousands gather at India Gate, as victim remains critical. Victim gives statement to the sub-divisional magistrate.
December 23, 2012: Protests against the Delhi gangrape turn violent. Protesters defy prohibitory orders of the government, face police's water cannons and tear gas shells. Constable Subhash Tomar of Delhi Police seriously injured during clashes at India Gate. The young victim's heath remains serious with bouts of vomitting, although she was communicating and conscious. She also suffered internal bleeding.
December 24, 2012: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh makes statement regarding the gangrape and the following protests. Appeals for calm and assures stringent measures for women in the country. Two gangrape accused brought before a Delhi court say they committed a horrible crime and "deserved to be hanged".
December 25, 2012: Doctors treating the victim say she is responding to the treatment despite being critical. Constable Subhash Tomar succumbs to injuries sustained during December 23 protests at India Gate. Platelet count and liver function of the gangrape victim improves. She gives her statement again to metropolitan magistrate after CM Dikshit complains to Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde that senior police officials "interfered" in the process. However, the victim's health deteriorates the same night.
December 26, 2012: Protests against the gangrape continue at Jantar Mantar. Constable Tomar cremated with full state honours. Victim shifted to Singapore's Mount Elizabeth Hospital in a sudden move after her condition deteriorates and she suffers cardiac arrest.
December 27, 2012: The victim remains critical in the ICU of Mount Elizabeth Hospital. 3,000 security personnel, from Delhi Police and para-military forces, man Delhi roads to stop any violent demonstration.
December 28, 2012: Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi demands speedy justice in the case. Doctors at Mount Elizabeth say the victim's condition worsened with signs of multiple organ failure. She gets infection in the lungs and abdomen as well as an injury to the brain.
December 29, 2012: The victim succumbs to massive internal injuries after battling with them for over 12 days. She died at 2:15 am Indian Standard Time on December 29.

Sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik creates a sculpture in Puri, Odisha to pay homage to the Delhi braveheart

Sand artist Raj Kapoor holds a candle near a sculpture at the Sangam to pay tribute to the Delhi braveheart in Allahabad.

 A young girl leads a protest march in Delhi while holding torches as they mourn the death of the girl.
A man and a woman dressed as Lady Justice join mourners in Delhi to demand justice for the braveheart. The placard says,'war for justice'.

Women shout slogans as they participate in a rally demanding women's rights and mourning the death of the 23-year-old girl in Kolkata

Condolence Messages

"I am deeply distressed by the unfortunate demise of the 23-year-old girl who passed away early this morning in Singapore. She was a brave and courageous girl who fought till the very last minute for her dignity and her life. She is a true hero and symbolises the best in Indian youth and women," said President Pranab Mukerjee in a message.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh expressed the hope that the entire political class and civil society will set aside narrow sectional interests and agenda to make India a demonstrably safer place to live in.

Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said that the incident had shamed her government. She added that her thoughts were with the family and she hoped that the city never sees a repeat of such a barbaric incident. Dikshit appealed to people to maintain peace and calm. She said that the girl fought very courageously for her life and it was a terrible news that she was no more alive.

Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde  said "A real tribute to her will be to ensure maximum punishment to the culprits. I pledge to work to strengthen the laws and ensure that such an incident never gets repeated again."

1 comment:

  1. Soon, this incident would be history and many such cases would occur as the accused will be allowed to escape through the loopholes in the judicial system. Shame on the so-called civilized society!
