
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mughal Dynasty - 1526 to 1857

The Mughal Empire lasted for more than three centuries.

Mughal Emperors were direct descendants of  Genghis Khan and Timur and were asociated with four imperial titles: Shahanshah (ruler of rulers), Alam Panah (giver of refuge), Ghazi (Commander) and Zilillah (wrath of God).

Mughal Emperors

1)Babur 1526-30
2)Humayun1530-40 and 1555-56

(Sher Shah Suri Deposed Humayun and led the Suri Dynasty 1540-45
Islam Shah Suri  1545 -54 2nd and last ruler of the Suri Dynasty, claims of sons Sikandar and Adil Shah were eliminated by Humayun's restoration)

3)Akbar                              1556-1605
4)Jahangir                            1605-27
5)Shah Jahan                       1627-58
6)Aurangzeb                        1658- 1707
7)Bahadur Shah I                 1707-12

Bahadur Shah II                   1837-57
Bahadur Shah II was the last Mughal deposed by the British and exiled to Burma following the Indian Rebellion of 1857

End of Mughal dynasty.

During the period of Shah Jahan 1627-58

Taj Mahal in Agra

Jama Masjid in Delhi

Red Fort in Delhi

were built

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